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14.1.20 Microsoft Hyper-V measurement servers

The Hyper-V measurement server monitors the Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization environment. The communication uses the Windows Remote Management (WinRM), so its configuration is needed on the Hyper-V server which is running the virtual machines. For the Windows Remote Management configuration please refer to the 14.1.16 WS-Man measurement servers section.


The equipment parameters are the following, their usage depends on the authentication used, see later:

·       Host (HYPERV EQ 1 HOST): the name or the IP address of the monitored server. An IP address can only be used with the Basic authentication, in case of Kerberos the host name has to be used

·       Windows version (HYPERV EQ 1 VERSION): “Pre Windows 2012R2” or “Windows 2012R2 or later”

·       Protocol (HYPERV EQ 2 MODE): HTTP or HTTPS. In case of Kerberos the HTTP protocol is recommended (since the Kerberos protocol does the encryption itself), while the HTTPS is recommended in case of the Basic authentication.

·       Port (HYPERV EQ 3 PORT): WinRM usually uses the port 5985 for HTTP and 5986 for HTTPS

·       Authentication (HYPERV EQ 4 AUTH):

o   Kerberos: this uses the Active Directory and it is based on domain. This mode is only supported when the collector is running on Red Hat / CentOS / Oracle Linux 6 or later!

·       User name (HYPERV EQ 5 USER): the user must have specific rights on the monitored server, see later

·       Password (HYPERV EQ 6 PWD): either the password must be provided in clear-text or a password file in the format of FILE:name_of_the_file, in which case it is recommended to use an absolute file path, for example: FILE:/opt/pvsr/username.pwd. The file is either a Kerberos specific key file or a simple file containing the password in clear-text in case of Basic authentication.

·       Realm (HYPERV EQ 7 REALM): it is only used in case of Kerberos authentication, in which case it must be the realm specified in the Active Directory in upper-case format.

·       Element name (HYPERV EQ 8 OBJNAME): the name of the monitored element

·       Type (HYPERV EQ 9 TYPE): the type of the monitored element. Possible values are:

o   Hosting Computer System

o   Virtual Machine

·       Note (HYPERV EQ 10 NOTE): the description specified for the virtual machine is used to fill in this attribute during the discovery process

·       OS version (Z 01 OS_VERSION): Non-modifiable automatically discovered parameter, only for the hosting computer system. It contains the operating system running on the server

·       Product type (Z 02 PRODUCT_TYPE): Non-modifiable automatically discovered parameter, only for the hosting computer system. It contains the system product type

·       CPU (Z 03 CPU): Non-modifiable automatically discovered parameter, only for the hosting computer system. It contains the CPU information for the server

  • Memory (Z 03 MEMINFO): Memory information of the system. Non-modifiable automatically discovered parameter
  • Swap (Z 03 SWAPINFO): Swap information of the system. Non-modifiable automatically discovered parameter

·       IPv4 address(es) (Z 04 IPADDR): Non-modifiable automatically discovered parameter, only for the hosting computer system. It contains the IP addresses of the system

·       Cluster (Z 05 CLUSTERNAME): Non-modifiable automatically discovered parameter. It contains the name of the cluster it belongs to (if it belongs to any cluster)


The measurement server is able to discover the available measurements. All the possible equipments and measurements can be discovered with the use of the simple New equipment or the advanced “New equipments from template” option on the Site and equipment configuration page: the user only need to specify the connection parameters for the server running the virtual machines and PVSR discovers all the virtual machines and host measurements, displays them in a table for the user and then create the equipments using the selected Hyper-V equipment template. If the server is in a cluster then PVSR also discovers every cluster server and every VM running on those servers.


The Hyper-V collector can automatically synchronize the configuration in PVSR, including the migration of a VM from one cluster server to another. The synchronization is configurable with these parameters in the file:

·       $PVSR_AUTO_HYPERV_TEMPLATE: if it is set to a PVSR equipment template and there is a new virtual machine then PVSR automatically creates it. The default value of the parameter after installation is “Default Hyper-V”

·       $PVSR_AUTO_HYPERV_VMNAME_PREFIX: if it is set then PVSR uses its value as the prefix when automatically creating a virtual machine. The “New equipments from template” page uses this parameter as well for the same purpose. The default value of the parameter after installation is “VM ”

·       $PVSR_AUTO_HYPERV_VMNAME_POSTFIX: if it is set then PVSR uses its value as the postfix when automatically creating a virtual machine. The “New equipments from template” page uses this parameter as well for the same purpose. The default value of the parameter after installation is empty

·       $PVSR_AUTO_HYPERV_MOVE_DELETED_SITE: if it is set then PVSR moves the non-existing virtual machines into this site (next to the host equipment). If the site does not exist then PVSR automatically creates it. The default value of the parameter after installation is “Deleted”

·       $PVSR_AUTO_HYPERV_MANAGE_DATA_COLL: if it is set to “Y” then PVSR automatically deactivates the data collection of a virtual machine if it is not running. The default value of the parameter after installation is empty

·       $PVSR_AUTO_HYPERV_MOVE_OFFLINE_VM_SITE: if it is set then PVSR moves the shut-down virtual machines into this site (next to the host equipment). If the site does not exist then PVSR automatically creates it. The default value of the parameter after installation is empty User for monitoring

As mentioned before, the measurement server needs a user with administrator priviliges for the data collection. Measurement expressions

The measurement expressions are similar to the ones for the WS-Man measurement server, with some minor difference making their usage easier. Since all the data is collected through the Hyper-V server, the user must distinguish between the host and the virtual machine measurements: if the WMI class name begins with ROOT_ then it is only applicable for the Hyper-V server and if it begins with GUEST_ then it is only applicable for the virtual machines.

So for example the free disk space measurement for the Hyper-V host uses the expression „WQL_TABLE_cimv2|ROOT_Win32_LogicalDisk/Name@FreeSpace.PORT” instead of „WQL_TABLE_cimv2|Win32_LogicalDisk/Name@FreeSpace.PORT”. Many of the measurements are using the Win32_PerfRawData_* classes. In these cases the users can use the ROOT_PERF_ and GUEST_PERF_ prefixes for easier usage, so for example ROOT_PERF_PerfOS_Memory means the Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Memory class but only for the Hyper-V server. The GUEST prefix also has another meaning: for most of the measurement types the measurements are in one WMI class, containing values for all the virtual machines, however if the GUEST prefix is present then PVSR only shows those entries during the discovery which matches the value specified in the “Element name” equipment parameter. Collector diagnostic pages

The collector has two diagnostic pages: one of them shows major parameters for the virtual machines running on the Hyper-V host, the other shows major Hyper-V server parameters.



Virtual machines

·       Name: the name of the virtual machine

·       Status: possible values: Running, Off, Paused, Suspended, Starting, Saving

·       State: the state of the virtual machine according to the Hyper-V host. Possible values are: OK, Major Failure, Critical failure

·       Host name: the name of the host

·       vCPU: the number of virtual CPUs

·       CPU usage: the CPU usage of the virtual machine in percentage

·       Memory usage: the memory usage of the virtual machine in MB and also in percentage



·       Name: name of the host

·       State: the state of the Hyper-V host. Possible values are: OK, Major Failure, Critical failure

·       CPU: number of logical CPUs

·       CPU usage: the total CPU usage of the host in percentage

·       Memory usage: the memory usage of the host in MB and also in percentage

·       Free space: the total free space on the disks and also per disk in the detailed mode


Host and Virtual machine heatmap

When opened from a server the page shows all the servers in the virtual environment, when opened from a virtual machine then it shows all the virtual machines. The user can select a measurement type and specify the selected timespan with the widgets in the Time span browser area group. PVSR calculates the averages of the collected data based on these input parameters and colors the different items based on their value. The blue end of the color spectrum has the minimum value and the red end of the color spectrum has the maximum value. If an item does not have a color then it means that it does not have any collected data for the specified time span. The page also shows the actual time span for which there is collected data in the system.